We had given some thought to the Texas Hill Country but with this years drought and the downturn in the economy it didn't seem like the right time. Pam has now retired which should make things easier, right. Not the case. She has a specific set of requirements (that probably can never be met) for a new location and home.
Realizing that we are here for a number more years at the least we have begun another round of remodeling. The last before this was Oct 2010 when I remodeled the craft room and we converted the second guest bedroom into an office.
In this round we are working on bathrooms, carpet and the master shower. The first of remodeling the master shower was undertaken last week and involved taking in some space from the Master closet and reconfiguring the master closet. That closet had been weirdly shaped poorly configured. Pam however was never willing to let me correct it until now. And of course the reconfiguring of a closet entailed cleaning out a lot of what was in there.
We also put new counter tops in our bathrooms. The old counter tops had an integrated shell sink and were cultured marble. They have been replaced with new granite counter tops with drop in sinks and new faucets.
Guest Bathroom
Pam's New Vanity
My New Vanity
And of course all work must be supervised. Here is our resident project manager at work. Notice the intensity with which does his work.
Next comes new carpet for the guest bedroom and office. I will try to be better about taking before pictures. For some reason I am always to busy starting the project to remember to take pictures.
Hope all is well in your world.
Bruce and Pam