I had intended to work on the angels today but for some reason I could not get past two unplanned projects. Santa and a Reindeer. The Reindeer seemed to want to be done first. Now I had not set out to make a Reindeer but apparently some one wanted me to. So here he is.
Cut from 1x12 Pine like others Rudolph came together pretty quickly.
Now for some carving and some paint.
And he is ready to put out.
Hopefully I have one more day of good weather left so the plan is tomorrow to finish the Angels and Santa.
All of the patterns for the yard decorations are mine. They have been drawn directly on the wood so I did not maintain any paper copies. If you wish to make your own versions I have given the basic dimensions. Rudolph is 4 ft tall. His hooves nose, eyes, antlers and sign were cut from scrap. He has two stakes 1and1/2 inch wide and 2ft tall to anchor him in the ground. You can get pre-made surveyor stakes at the lumber yard that will work just fine. He is painted brown his nose of course is red his hooves black and his antlers are gold. For the antlers I used a gold spray paint. The other colors are latex house paint available in the lumber yard in pint cans. It holds up better outdoors than the craft paint you get at hobby stores. He does have a coat of clear spray after everything was assembled. His parts are held on by screws attached from the rear. I have given him some detail by carving but you could just paint the detail on as well.
More later
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