Sorry for the lack of posts in March. It has been a busy month. I went to Kansas to help my son Charles and his wife Heather move. Their house sold quicker than expected (never a bad thing) and they made a quick move into a rented townhouse.
We also made a quick trip to Austin early in the month and then visited Pam's sister in San Antonio. Why Austin you asked. Well Pam had an appointment with the Texas Teacher Retirement System to sign her paperwork to retire. While they do group meetings around the state you get more time and personal attention if you schedule an appointment in their offices in Austin. To cut to the chase this is Pam's last year to teach she has decided to retire. With thirty years in this was a good year to do so. All the particulars have been arranged and she notified her principal yesterday. So we both are now ready to figure out the next chapter in our lives.
I have been helping a friend who bought a house closer to her children do some remodeling (well a lot of remodeling). I mostly have been doing the design work and helping her shop for materials but have also helped the handyman doing the work with a few items he had not done before.
Then there is our own house. There have been a lot of get ready for spring tasks to be done. I rebuilt a section of fence yesterday. Several more sections need work but I am working with neighbors on getting those done.
And there has been the required time for play. I carved a few bowls ( I have always turned them in the past) and carved and turned several other projects. Those projects are on my other blog. I think I have come up with the final name for it and my woodworking hobby. When you go to that site you will note it is now called Natural Reverence Woodcraft. I am still working on figuring out how to put in a gallery of my projects. So check in from time to time and see if I make any headway.
Of course I have spent quite a bit of time fighting through our Taxes. Always such fun. I am not sure how with all the paperwork reduction acts and simplification that supposedly has been done that they seem to become more convoluted every year. I printed out a draft and was appalled to see it was 102 pages. Sheeesh.
We have continued our run of freakish weather with unusual highs being followed by unusual lows. We had the second driest March on record. 7 100ths of an inch. I am afraid this year is going to begin a drought. The rain seems to be stopping in California and never getting here. What doesn't fall as rain has fallen as snow in the Rockies.
Hope all is well in your world
More Later
Glad to hear that Pam has given her notice, I know she has been looking forward to this for a long time....If you all would like to become traveling gypsys we have plenty of work down here that you could do (haha). She certainly had everyone guessing her big news on FB ~ Good for her!