Wednesday, February 2, 2011

And The Fun Continues

Day of the deep freeze that has descended on Dallas.  No new rain or snow but the temperatures yesterday never climbed above 20 degrees.  So the ice didn't melt and in the few areas that had enough traffic yesterday to turn to slush refroze even harder in the 10 degree temperatures last night.  Today's projected high is 16 degrees with another hard freeze tonight.  We are not projected to get above freezing until Friday afternoon and then only for a few hours.

Pam's school was canceled yesterday and again today and we are betting it will be for the rest of the week.  Part of the reason is the Dallas area is now under rolling blackouts as the demand for electricity has grown so high as people try to keep their houses warm.  Space heaters are flying off the shelves and they draw a lot of power.

You can see there is not a lot of change from the pictures I posted yesterday.  Our big challenge would be getting the cars out of the garage.

Hope you are staying warm.

Bruce and Pam

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