Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Heat Goes On

Dallas continues to be in the grips of a record setting summer.  By Friday 8/12/2011 we will have tied the record for the longest consecutive number of days over 100 and there is no end in sight.  The bad thing is it is not really cooling down at night.  10 pm and it is still at or near 100.  Lows are staying in the high 80s.  To add to the problem after a spring where we thought we would blow away no there is no wind at all. 

In the midst of all this Charles and Heather have moved back to Dallas.  Charles has taken a position with a new firm and they found an apartment in the Northpark area.  Pam and I are glad to have them back but moving in the heat was less than fun.  Heather is currently finishing up with her job and will join Charles here at the end of the month.  She is looking forward to starting a new career as of yet undetermined.  After four years of litigating for the State of Kansas on child support cases she is looking for something more up beat.

Pam has decided on her retirement career.  She will be working with our Church and its Pre-K programs teaching reading skills three days a week.  I am still undecided.  I have been spending a lot of time carving and am being told by those who have seen the product to sell them.  I may play with that a while before committing to anything else.  I have surprised my self so far having taken no lessons and only reading a few books (Reading my be a bit overstated as most carving books are mostly pictures.

I am currently grand dog sitting and it is funny to watch our two spoiled cats share their castle with Sophie.  Sophie is a LapsaPoo and wants to be friends with the cats in the worst way.  Sophie is the only dog our cat Smokey has ever seen and since we got him as a kitten from a friend who fosters for the ASPCA he hasn't been around that many cats.  Blaze who we got from the Plano animal shelter was the cat used by the shelter to test dogs to see if they would tolerate a cat.  That is how I found him at the shelter he was in the room with a couple and a dog.  I wanted a gray and white cat that was calm.  He seemed to be undaunted by the dog and the couple.  When I asked the attendant if they were adopting the cat he said oh no Blaze was their test cat. He got along well with dogs so they would bring him in when someone wanted to know if the dog would get along with a cat.  Oddly enough in our house Blaze is the shy one.  He also has a different outlook on dogs these days.  It seems he knew how to get adopted.  Oh yeah the calm thing didn't turn out to be true either.  He tears around the house like a banshee doing acrobatics and then looking to see if I was impressed.

Off to take the dog for a walk.

Hope you have a great day.


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