Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It Has Been A Long Hot Summer

We are just a few days away from taking the record from 1980 as the hottest summer on record for the Dallas area.  This has been a miserable one with 65 days over a hundred degrees and a feels like temperature of 110 for most of those days.  We went from a windy spring to a still stifling summer.
We also are now the driest year on record. 

Pam retired on May and we have worked through the summer rearranging our lives to deal with the two of us being retired.  Nothing drastic but there are a surprising number of thinks that need to be taken care of.  We have a pretty good financial advisor and insurance people so we have been working through many things.  We also have the advantage of several friends and family who have recently retired to build on.

Pam has taken a part time job with our church teaching preschoolers how to read (or more correctly pre reading skills). It will keep her busy several days a week from mid morning to mid afternoon.  I still have not committed to anything and have been carving a lot due to the heat.  I have a lot of projects around the house but it is just to hot to do them.

Hopefully this weather pattern will break soon and I can get to some of them before winter sets in.  So in parting here are Smokey and Blaze engaged in their favorite pastime sitting in our laps.

Hope all is well.

Bruce and Pam

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