Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Some Holiday Recipies

Its Holiday Baking Time.
Here are some of our favorite recipes for entertaining and for giving as gifts.  I have added these as JPEGS if you right click and save image to your hard drive you should be able to print it out complete with graphic and if all went well it should be recipe card size.

This is a very old recipe for basically Chex mix.  It predates the kind found in the store by many years.  We have had it for 30 years but believe it to be closer to forty years old.  Our original is printed on the old mimeograph favored by teachers until the late eighties when copiers took over.  The old mimeograph machines used a blue or purple master and had a very distinctive smell when just printed.  This recipe was hand written and you can tell from the hand writing that this was a teacher.  Ah typewriters, mimeo machines and handwriting you could read.  I am definitely feeling old.

The next recipe is one of my adaptations of the old Rice Krispie Treats but done with a twist.
And finally for this post My Kitchen Sink Oatmeal Cookies.

Pam named them as it seems I have added everything but the kitchen sink.  They are good and relatively healthy.

Hope all is well

Bruce and Pam

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